

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

New Pics: April/Easter

Here are some new pics of Huxley, my mother in law and Jason's Aunt Steph got us a picture package from Sears and Huxley did amazing! He is such a cutie!!!!

 Here is Huxley's first Easter. Jason's mom and aunt hooked us up with little Easter baskets and stuffed animals for Huxley and a bunch of candy for us. This is also an outfit Jason't aunt bought for Hux.

Huxley is 4 and 1/2 months! (almost 20 weeks)

    So it's been a while since I have blogged, I have been so busy with work, Huxley and trying to stay up on house work. Jason has been doing well with his knee, he is up and moving around almost like normal. He is still going to physical therapy and still limps a bit, but he is able to do what he needs to take care of the boy while I am work. My mother in law and Jason's aunt have been helping out on Thursdays when Jason goes to physical therapy and I am work so that has been nice. Huxley is getting used to having them here. This last Friday Jason and I went out on our own for the first time since Hux was born; Aunt Steph (Jason's aunt) watched him for us while we went to a friends for a graduation party. It was so nice to get out and see friends but I was nervous about leaving Hux and how he would do. He had a rough night that night b/c things were so different so he didn't sleep well at all. However, the last two nights he has done awesome sleeping 9 and 1/2 hours straight and 8 and 1/2 hours has been so nice!
   As for solids we tried to feed him some but he didn't really seem to enthused once I actually gave him some brown rice cereal, so we have backed off and will try again in a month or so and see what he thinks then. Other exciting news about Huxley; he started rolling over all by himself. He only did it for one day any time I would lay him down he would roll right over to his belly then he would get pissed b/c there wasn't anything he could do. He hasn't rolled from belly to back yet by himself but again this morning he rolled from back to belly. So I am sure within a few weeks he will be rolling all over the place.
   He is also getting so much attitude, it's so cute. He will get upset and start kicking his right leg and then last night he grunted so angry and with so much attitude it made us laugh. He is just getting more and more fun every day.  I hope Jason can find a job within the next couple months so I can either cut down to part time or quit so I will be able to stay home with Huxley more. Well that is what's going on with us right now. My one question for all you parents out there is: how did you transition your baby from a bassinet next to your bed to a crib in their own bedroom and how did it go?  We will be moving Huxley to his own room and a crib within the next month or two and I am a little worried about how he is going to transition. So tell me your stories and how you and your baby did it. Thanks guys!!!!